Program Coordinator

Major roles and responsibilities:

A. Program Management

  • Prepare monthly work plan based on agreed program activities with SODCC/ UNICEF and shared with SODCC/Program Manager.
  • Organized bi- monthly meeting with Supervisors/Youth Advocates and facilitators to ensure project status and upcoming monthly activities plan.
  • Need assessment for capacity development of Supervisors/Youth Advocates and Facilitators essential for field implementation of program.
  • Support and collaborate with local level to recruit Supervisors/Youth Advocates and Facilitators.
  • Plan and facilitate program orientations, workshop, training and review meeting in assign districts to stakeholders and target groups/beneficiaries.
  • Capacity building

  • Support implementing partner and respective local government for regular monitoring providing technical support.
  • Coordinate and support for joint monitoring of local stakeholders and political leaders as applicable. 
  • Establish local level wise district database for program indicators.
  • Assess capacity gap of the facilitators and supervisors/youth advocates through field visit and regular meetings and provide feedback to the trainers and supervisors as applicable.
  • Organize mobile meeting to capacitate teachers from program schools for child friendly school.
  • Capacity building of social, religious and political leaders on importance of girl’s education.
  • Enhance skills of youth advocates and facilitators to run program smoothly.

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