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Grant Announcements

UNHCR Innovation Name

UNHCR Innovation

Published Date 24th May, 2023
Category International Funding Opportun...

Organizations led by displaced and stateless people make remarkable contributions to their communities but face consider...

International Women in photo Association Name

International Women in photo Association

Published Date 24th May, 2023
Category International Funding Opportun...

The International Women in Photo Association (IWPA) is pleased to announce the Open Call 2023 for women photographers of...

RES4Africa Foundation Name

RES4Africa Foundation

Published Date 24th May, 2023
Category International Funding Opportun...

RES4Africa Foundation is a strong advocate of the youth’s role in Africa’s energy transition: the continent’s young gene...

Global EBA Fund Name

Global EBA Fund

Published Date 24th May, 2023
Category International Funding Opportun...

The Global EbA Fund is pleased to announce a call for applications to support catalytic projects that help people adapt...

International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) Name

International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and...

Published Date 24th May, 2023
Category International Funding Opportun...

Whilst many African countries have shown their commitment to achieving UHC by 2030, progress towards attaining this goal...

Sharjah Art Foundation Name

Sharjah Art Foundation

Published Date 24th May, 2023
Category International Funding Opportun...

Sharjah Art Foundation announces an open call for the fifth edition of the Publishing Grant, as part of its endeavor to...

The Global Good Fund Name

The Global Good Fund

Published Date 24th May, 2023
Category International Funding Opportun...

The Global Good Fund Fellowship is now open for innovators, entrepreneurs, and leaders of for-profit and non-profit soci...

Nature for Water Facility Name

Nature for Water Facility

Published Date 24th May, 2023
Category International Funding Opportun...

The Nature for Water Facility issues Calls for Proposals for the Watershed Investment Program (WIP) to deliver water sec...

Animal Kind International Name

Animal Kind International

Published Date 24th May, 2023
Category International Funding Opportun...

Our Grant Program reaches worthy Africa-based organizations, beyond our Partner Organizations, and supports them to impl...

Global Grand Challenges Name

Global Grand Challenges

Published Date 24th May, 2023
Category International Funding Opportun...

The Global Grand Challenges is seeking proposals for Catalyzing Equitable Artificial Intelligence Use. This RFP seeks in...

Gener8tor Name


Published Date 24th May, 2023
Category International Funding Opportun...

Applications are welcome from startups headquartered anywhere in the world and innovating in any area of agriculture. Th...

OpenIDEO Name


Published Date 24th May, 2023
Category International Funding Opportun...

Applications are now open for the Climate Resiliency Challenge, an invitation for organizations and teams across the glo...
