The NewNow is a One Young World program supported by Virgin Unite, empowering the boldest emerging young leaders to shif...
One Young World
International Festival of Owls
The International Festival of Owls is now accepting entries for its International Kids' Owl Art Contest.Award Informatio...
Never Such Innocence
Do you have suggestions on preventing the future wars, apply now for the Never Such Innocence International Competition....
Social Awareness Center SAC Nepal
समाज जागरण केन्द्र (स्याक) नेपाल एक गैर नाफामूलक गैरसरकारी संस्था हो विगत २९ वर्ष देखि विभन्न सझेदार संस्थाको साझेदारीमा...
Dalit Society Welfare Committee Nepal
यस संस्थाले (दलित समाज उत्थान समिति नेपाल) World Vision International Nepal सँगको साझेदारीमा महोतरी जिल्लाको एकडारा र सम...
Join us for this insightful FREE webinar on Navigating Nonprofit Governance: Crafting Effective Board Agendas. In just 4...
DescriptionJoin Jenn Klein, CFRE and Author of “Giving is Selfish” to uncover the joy in generosity for a healthier, hap...