Earth Science Week, the American Geosciences Institute (AGI) is sponsoring four contests focusing on the theme of this y...
American Geosciences Institute
Divya Development Resource Centre Parsa
दिव्य विकास स्रोत केन्द्र विरगंज, पर्साशिलवन्दी दरभाउ पत्र आह्वान सम्बन्धी सुचना(प्रथम पटक प्रकाशन)बि.स. २०५० सालमा प...
Youth Acting for Change Nepal (YAC Nepal)
Details / Requirements:YAC Nepal is pleased to announce a Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) to conduct a external ev...
Community Development & Advocacy Forum Nepal
सिलबन्दी बोलपत्र (Sealed Quotation) आह्वानको सूचनाप्रथम पटक सूचना प्रकाशित मिति २०८१/०६/०५ अर्थात २१ सेप्टेम्बर २०२४साम...
The Asia Foundation
Call for Proposal Interest for National Level Consultancy for Development, Deployment, Maintenance, and Su...
आशय पत्र (EOI) सम्बन्धी सूचनासूचना प्रकाशित मिति: २०८१/०६/०२ गतेसोसेक नेपाल, नेपाल अधिराज्यको ग्रामीण समुदायमा बसोबास ग...
Candid Learning
AboutAre you ready to start fundraising for your project or idea, but don't know what and how much to ask for? If prepar...
Candid Learning
AboutYour nonprofit does great work, but what is most important is the impact of that work. How do you demonstrate that...
Candid Learning
AboutCandid’s nonprofit profiles power giving platforms like Facebook and Network for Good. Profiles provide prospects a...