
CharityVillage is seeking applicants for its upcoming webinar session on Fundraising 101: Encouraging Active Board Participation and Leadership. Join experts for a free webinar to learn how to encourage active board participation and leadership.

It can be difficult for nonprofits to secure funding, and it is challenging to have long-term financial stability without the help of board members. Many organizations would like board members to be more involved with their organization’s fundraising activities. But how do we get board members involved in fundraising? In this webinar, the host will discuss common challenges of working with a volunteer board, and focus on strategies to engage them in fundraising. The experts will present practical guidance and tips that small teams can implement immediately. After attending this webinar, participants will: 

  • Understand common myths about fundraising. 
  • Learn the roles and responsibilities of board members. 
  • Learn strategies to engage the board in fundraising. 


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