Charity How To

Join Brian Saber, president of Asking Matters and master individual gift fundraiser, to learn how to start a major gift program no matter what your budget size and how little stuff you have. During This Nonprofit Webinar on Mastering Major Gifts, You Will Learn:

  • How to carve out the time so you’re not doing more work but more impactful work

  • How to set goals that are realistic and clearly defined

  • How to figure out the tools you need…and the ones you don’t (like a super-deluxe database!)

  • How to develop a major gift plan based on your organization’s overall strategies, with the right role for everyone

  • How to identify who to cultivate and solicit

  • How to develop a program of cultivation opportunities to keep donors engaged throughout the year

  • How to engage the board in major gift work

  • How to start today!


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