Candid learning


Research has shown that Black nonprofit leaders face unique challenges, particularly in securing adequate funding for their organizations. A study by Candid found that nonprofits with Black CEOs are more likely to have smaller revenues than those with white CEOs, and Black leaders didn’t really need that study to know this was the case.   Despite the challenges Black nonprofit leaders face, they are still working to meet the needs in their communities. These leaders use knowledge, partnerships, and ingenuity to get the work done because they are passionate about the role they play in the world.  As part of Candid’s "Nonprofit leaders speak on..." series, join us to discuss managing an impactful nonprofit that relies on volunteer support. Attendees will gain valuable insights and leave with actionable strategies for building a thriving nonprofit with volunteers playing an essential role. Join our other webinars in this series, including

More webinars in this series will be posted soon, so stay tuned!


  • Meet three Black-led nonprofits and learn about their work 
  • Identify the varied ways to recruit, train, and manage volunteers 
  • Understand the systems and processes to devise a volunteer strategy
  • Recognize the gaps in philanthropy, how these leaders fill them, and what we can do as champions of good work to help close gaps

Intended audience

  • All levels of experience
  • Board members
  • CEOs, executive directors, upper management
  • Grantmaker/funder
  • Nonprofit startups
  • Program directors and staff


Grant Size

Thematic Areas

Published Date/Deadline

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