
Hosting fundraising events and campaigns is great, but what next? How do you turn event attendees into longtime donors for your organization? In this Fundraising How-To webinar, we’re breaking down the three steps to secure more longtime supporters for your cause. But the best part is these tactics will also allow you to raise more money for your next fundraiser too.

We'll examine these key steps:

  • Know where they came from. Through marketing tactics, we can better understand where donors are coming from and what’s driving them to engage.
  • Give them opportunities to give. Once they’re ready to engage how can you use strategic asks to encourage event attendees to support your cause in other ways? From auctions, raffles, and tickets there are multiple ways to engage donors further.
  • Focus on the highest value first. Post-event wrap-up can feel daunting, but once you’ve identified who to engage with first, it’s easy to give the most attention to the event attendees with the highest potential to become longtime supporters. We’ll share the tools you need to identify these individuals in minutes.


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