Autism Science Foundation

This RFA welcomes research broader in scope than the Lancet definition of “profound autism” to include research on severe and challenging behaviors including self-injury, aggression, and irritability, and research focused on children under age 8. Past research has established that individuals with autism exhibit a wide range of abilities and disabilities and that those with challenging or problematic behavior, minimal verbal ability, and/or intellectual disability are demonstrably underrepresented in research. Their exclusion prevents the generalizability of research discoveries and impedes the understanding of the supports and interventions they require to live fulfilling lives. The Lancet Commission on the Future of Care and Clinical Research in Autism determined that the term “profound autism” should be used to describe autistic people who are at least 8 years old, minimally verbal or nonverbal, have an IQ below 50, are not able to advocate for themselves, and will likely require 24‐hour access to an adult who can care for them for the rest of their lives. In order to ensure that individuals across the spectrum are included in the research, ASF is interested in supporting projects that will either:

  • increase the opportunity for people with profound autism to participate in research;
  • identify and characterize the underlying biological mechanisms of profound autism;
  • develop treatments specifically for those with profound autism.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Applicants for this award must hold an M.D., Ph.D., EdD, or ScD, and hold a faculty or postdoctoral position at a university or institution, or an organization with 501c3 status.
  • U.S. citizens enrolled in or employed at universities inside or outside of the United States are eligible to apply.
  • Non-U.S. citizens enrolled in or employed at universities based inside or outside of the U.S. are also eligible to apply.
  • Awards will only be made to one institution and led by the principal investigator. However, subcontracts to other universities are permitted for co-investigators. Subcontracts are to be issued by the sponsoring university.


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